Showing good manners when communicating over the Internet is a highly desirable skill that everyone should acquire.

Students should also follow these guidelines when communicating with faculty and staff, and when engaging in business or support situations via e-mail. This document provides simple e-mail guidelines to ensure appropriate communications among members of the University community, and with prospective business and educational partners in the global Internet community. Access via most browsers using Office Web App® (OWA).Activity Journaling for the Microsoft Office suite of applications.Multiple, user-defined views of email and data.Archiving and retention (automatic and user-defined rules).Task management, including the ability to assign and track tasks to others.Multi-level email storage (Folders) for easy message management.Personal and Global Address books (Contacts) that can store multiple personal email addresses and telephone numbers, important dates, and notes per entry.Calendar - appointments, meetings, and events including calendar sharing and assigning assistant management.In addition Email, Outlook serves as a comprehensive personal information manager (PIM) that provides: Microsoft Exchange® Email is a server-based email system that uses the Microsoft Outlook® desktop application as the primary user client.